-Outlook Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today launched Rajiv Gandhi Ann Yojana under the Food Security Scheme in the state. Of the state's 68 lakh population, about 37 lakh would be benefited by the scheme, Singh said after handing over ration bags to 104-year-old Mast Ram and Vidya Devi (70) of Sunni area of the district at a function at Ridge maidan here. Beneficiaries under the scheme would get three kgs...
136 cases of minors in adult jails, police promise action -Aneesha Mathur
-The Indian Express New Delhi: A month after a Delhi Legal Services Authority (DLSA) report was filed in the Delhi High Court, stating that 162 juveniles were lodged in jails meant for adult undertrials, Delhi Police said it has initiated departmental action against erring investigating officers in the cases. The Delhi High Court has been monitoring the issue of juveniles being put in jails due to errors or deliberate misrecording of age...
More »Mortality rates betray baby girl neglect
-The Telegraph New Delhi: India had 74,000 excess deaths among girls aged below five last year, a new study has estimated providing what public health researchers say is fresh evidence for widespread neglect of girls over boys during their vulnerable childhood years. The study by a team of researchers in India and Canada has also found that 222 of 597 districts are on track to achieve India's target of reducing under-five child...
More »3 years after RTE, 1.3L schools have no toilets -Manash Pratim Gohain
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: More than three years after the implementation of the RTE Act and an expenditure of over Rs 46,282.11 crore on school infrastructure, around 1.28 lakh out of 10,75,407 government elementary schools across the country still don't have toilets and over 61,000 lack drinking water facilities. According to the District Information System for Education 2011-12, Bihar has 18,169 schools without lavatories, the highest among states. Andhra Pradesh...
More »Food prices rose 157% between 2004 and 2013 -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: If you were to ask any random aam aadmi anywhere in India what is the single biggest failing of the UPA, the answer would be - price rise. This is so because the most important items of family spending - food items - have relentlessly risen for the past several years despite repeated promises to bring them down by the economic mandarins and policy wonks...
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