At least two cases of hunger deaths have been reported from Jabalpur district of MP and Chittorgarh district of Rajasthan in the past few weeks. The two states are run by different political parties-- the BJP and the Congress-- but there is quite a lot common in the victims’ circumstances. Both families were among the poorest in their villages but were not included in the BPL list and both the...
Poverty, beyond calories by Savvy Soumya Misra
New method finds India is 9 per cent poorer india is poorer than previously estimated. A revised estimation of poverty for 2004-05 using new methodology showed the number of people below the poverty line was 37.2 per cent and not 28.3 per cent, as estimated earlier. The new estimate took into account expenditure on food, basic health and education, unlike the earlier estimation based on per capita calorie consumption. The inclusions...
More »The gap widens by Shailaja Chandra
Several recent reports put India at the bottom when it comes to gender equality. It is time for a clearly-spelt new policy on women and development. SHAILAJA CHANDRA “By and large the attitude of a man towards his wife is possibly worse than his attitude towards his buffalo.”--Colin Gonzalves, Human Rights Lawyer The World Economic Forum, in a report titled the Global Gender Gap 2009, has quantified the magnitude of gender-based...
More »ICMR to form expert group to study chikungunya-type fever by Shastry V. Mallady
MADURAI: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) will study fever cases with chikungunya symptoms reported in various districts of Tamil Nadu. An expert group will be formed soon to find out the root cause of this fever, which results in joint pains and cripples the victims’ physical activity. V. M. Katoch, Director General, ICMR, told The Hindu here that he would talk to State public health officials and obtain data...
More »Thanks to health mission, vacancies don’t ail rural India by Aarti Dhar
Rural service bonds for students and pre-PG mandatory qualification have helped Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan have created a special cadre with financial, non-financial incentives Acknowledging the difference the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) has made to the health care system, the third Common Review Mission (CRM) says many States have come up with innovations for attracting and retaining professionals in public service in rural and remote areas. While most States focus on financial incentives,...
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