-Frontline A report by ActionAid and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences highlights the vulnerability and tragic living conditions of thousands of children who take shelter in Mumbai's streets. IN 1988, the acclaimed film-maker Mira Nair made Salaam Bombay!, a poignantly revealing film on street children in Mumbai. The plot revolves around the protagonist, Krishna or "Chaipau", who is kicked out of his home by his mother for having damaged his...
Drip-drop way to reaping profits-Santosh K Kiro
-The Telegraph Ranchi: Ranchi residents, who discovered in 2013 that Rs 500 equalled to not even a week's worth of vegetables, will welcome this piece of news. Year-round vegetable farming is a better catch than slippery fish, say Ramdaga villagers in Angara block, near Getalsud dam, 25km off the capital. Ramdaga villagers normally raised one paltry crop a year, fished at the Getalsud dam and came to Ranchi to work as manual...
More »Low growth may turn jobseekers back to farm sector: Crisil report -Remya Nair and Kirthi V Rao
-Live Mint Non-farm employment will increase by only 38 mn in financial years 2012-19, compared with 52 mn in FY 2005-12 New Delhi: The slowing economy will result in fewer jobs being added to industry and services in the next seven years and more workers moving back to farming, Crisil Research said in a report on Tuesday, indicating job creation will remain a key concern for the next government. Non-farm employment will increase...
More »Non-farm jobs to shrink by 25 pc in 7 years: CRISIL
-The Hindu Chennai: In an indication of poor economic growth taking its toll on the job market, an estimated 12 million people may be forced to look for low-quality, low productivity rural or agriculture jobs over seven years, a reversal of old trend of migration from farm to non-farm employment opportunities, pointed out a report of CRISIL Research. Job generation in the non-farm sector will slow down sharply in the coming...
More »Brutalised migrants of western Odisha-Pramathesh Ambasta
-The Hindu The chopping off of the palms of two migrant workers is a wake-up call The gruesome incident of the chopping off of the palms of two migrant labourers of Kalahandi district of western Odisha by the labour contractor mafia in December 2013 should serve as a wake-up call. The incident highlights the ruthless extent to which the mafia can go to meet its ends and brings home the fact that...
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