The draft bill seeks to create an institution that will be independent of those it seeks to police, and will have powers to investigate and prosecute all public servants, and others found guilty of corrupting them. A number of commentators have raised issues about the provisions in the draft of the Jan Lokpal Bill. They have asked whether it would be an effective instrument to check corruption. They have pointed to...
Lancet won't publish India's rebuttal
Says it receives far more submissions than the space to publish British medical journal The Lancet has refused to publish India's rebuttal in connection with an article in which a drug-resistant superbug was named after New Delhi. The National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), in the rebuttal, disagreed with the naming of the bacteria as New Delhi Metallo Beta-lactamase-1. However, Lancet Editor Richard Horton, while on a visit to India later, apologised...
More »A vibrant people's campaign against corruption by Sandeep Pandey
Anna Hazare's sitting on indefinite fast in Delhi has galvanised the middle-class of this country, which is most vocal against corruption but also the one responsible for most corruption in this country. Corruption is a very contentious issue. Our morals tell us to oppose it but for convenience we often make a compromise, always giving ourselves the benefit of doubt. Former prime minister Chandrashekhar used to say that corruption can never...
More »Antibiotic challenges, dilemmas, policies by KS Jacob
India faces the challenge of inappropriate use of antibiotics while Bharat copes with poor access to treatment, resulting in a policy conundrum and inaction. India was recently in the news for the wrong reasons. The serious threat posed by the newly discovered microbe, NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo--lactamase-1), resistant to many antibiotics, triggered alarm and panic. Predictions that the country will not meet the millennium development goal for child mortality caused dismay....
More »Hunger, by design by Vandana Shiva
Why is every fourth Indian hungry? Why is every third woman in India anaemic and malnourished? Why is every second child underweight and stunted? Why has the hunger and malnutrition crisis deepened even as India has nine per cent growth? Why is “Shining India” a “Starving India”? In my view, hunger is a structural part of the design of the industrialised, globalised food system. Hunger is an intrinsic part of the...
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