-The Hindu Chennai: Nature, in its generosity, must have said: "Let a thousand seeds grow on the humble stalk", as far as millets are concerned. These Forgotten Foods, which Navdanya has ceaselessly worked at bringing back to the food basket for the past 25 years, are indeed superstars of our agriculture. Though they need very little pampering, being water prudent and growing in the hardiest terrain, they yield the maximum nutrition per...
Lok Sabha polls 2014: Malnutrition, a problem ignored by every party-Rema Nagarajan
-The Economic Times In January 2012, PM Manmohan Singh declared half of India's children were malnourished and that was a national shame. Yet since then, not a single comprehensive national survey was conducted to determine the acuteness of the problem or measure progress, if any, of steps initiated to address malnutrition. Worse, the issue figures in a token manner in the election discourse of political parties and candidates. The 2005-06 National...
More »Healthy diet can help autistic children, parents told
-The Hindu TIRUCHI: The day-long workshop on "Food without preservatives" featured two sessions - one on grandma's recipes and the other on importance of millets for effective functioning of the brain and body. The importance of consuming healthy food without preservatives and the benefits of using millets in one's daily diet were explained to parents (mothers) of autistic children during the one-day workshop on "Autism vs. food" organised at Pravaag Transitional Centre...
More »Sowing a loss -Pratik Kanjilal
-The Financial Express The urgent need to end world hunger appears to have promoted superfood crops at the expense of nutritional diversity Finally, we know why India is facing a spurt in diet-linked lifestyle disorders while it continues to struggle to feed the hungry. The paradox is seen in several developing economies, the answer is easily hazarded but now, for the first time, a formal study by the International Centre for Tropical...
More »Organic Farming Being Promoted in A Big Way; India Exporting 1.6 Lakh Tonne Organic Products
-The Business Standard (Capital Market) The Government is promoting organic farming through various schemes like National Project on Organic Farming (NPOF), National Horticulture Mission (NHM), Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalayan States (HMNEH), National Project on Management of Soil Health and Fertility (NPMSH&F), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) and also Network Project on Organic Farming of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Under NPOF scheme, assistance upto 25% and 33% of...
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