-The Times of India MUMBAI: Market regulator Sebi on Wednesday cracked down on the retail-to-financial services Sahara group and ordered the attachment of all assets of two Sahara group firms, besides freezing their bank accounts and those of their promoters and directors including that of group head Subrata Roy. Sebi's crackdown on the two Sahara group firms—Sahara Housing Investment Corp and Sahara India Real Estate Corp — comes exactly a week after...
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: the Verma Committee and After-Ayesha Kidwai
-Economic and Political Weekly The committee of inquiry headed by justice Verma is a landmark for the way in which it has inscribed into the very foundations of law, the equality and liberty of India’s women citizens. To uphold the constitutional guarantees afforded to women, it is essential that the rights given to working women in the Vishaka judgment (also delivered by justice Verma) are not elided or compromised, either by...
More »PIL in HC seeks to restrain Centre from ‘secret executions’-Gopu Mohan
-The Indian Express Chennai: Concerned over the "secret execution" of Afzal Guru, a fate that could befall the three persons awarded capital punishment for their involvement in Rajiv Gandhi assassination, a petition has been filed in the Madras High Court seeking to restrain the Centre from carrying out any more executions without first publicly disclosing the rejection of mercy petition. The petitioner, advocate P Pugalenthi, director of Prisoners' Rights Forum and an...
More »Plea to sack NHRC chief rejected
-The Telegraph The Centre has rejected a plea for removal of K.G. Balakrishnan as National Human Rights Commission chairperson for alleged assets accumulation when he was Chief Justice of India from January 2007 to June 2010. The Union home ministry said papers relating to Balakrishnan’s alleged corruption had been sent to the Union law ministry “for taking appropriate action”. In a recent letter to Common Cause, an NGO, the home ministry said...
More »Delhi court questions 'doublespeak' on juveniles-Utkarsh Anand
-The Indian Express In a criminal trial, if a juvenile girl can be judged on the basis of her assumed mental and physical developments, why should a juvenile accused be let off by giving benefits that he was less than 18 years of age on the date of the incident? While a debate rages over the trial of a Delhi gangrape accused who has been declared a juvenile, a Delhi court has...
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