-The Indian Express Official sources told The Indian Express that the database will contain more than 4.5 lakh cases, including profiles of FIRst-time and repeat offenders, based on details compiled from prisons across the country. India is all set to roll out the National Registry of Sexual Offenders on Thursday, and will become the ninth country in the world to set up and maintain such a database. The Indian registry will...
How far does a PhD go? -T Pradeep
-The Hindu As the job market is tight for those with PhDs in science, it is important that they develop other skill sets The number of PhD graduates has proliferated over the decades — while there were only a dozen doctorates till 1920 in India (the FIRst was awarded in 1904), there were 24,000 in all disciplines from about 900 institutions in 2017. While the number may not be surprising, what is...
More »Household savings in banks dip for FIRst time in four decades -Sunitha Natti
-The New Indian Express For the FIRst time in four decades, bank deposits plunged to 25 per cent of overall household financial assets in FY18 as against 67 per cent a year before. MUMBAI: For the FIRst time in four decades, bank deposits plunged to 25 per cent of overall household financial assets in FY18 as against 67 per cent a year before. The startling downfall of bank deposits is a FIRst, at...
More »A child under 15 dies every 5 seconds around the world: UN -Bindu Shajan Perappadan
-The Hindu Most children under five die due to preventable or treatable causes, says report An estimated 6.3 million children under 15 years of age died in 2017, or 1 every 5 seconds, mostly of preventable causes, according to the new mortality estimates released by UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Division and the World Bank Group on Tuesday. The report notes that for children everywhere, the most risky...
More »FIRst time, under-five mortality rate same as global average -Abantika Ghosh
-The Indian Express The under-five mortality of the girl child is 2.5 per cent higher (40 deaths per 1,000 live births) than the under-five mortality of the boy child (39 deaths per 1,000 live births). New Delhi: In what is a major milestone in reduction of child deaths in India, the country’s under five mortality rate, for the FIRst time, has been estimated at 39 deaths per 1,000 live births, the same...
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