-Business Standard Plugs Rs 5,060 crore of LPG subsidy parked with 21 million, largely fake customers The enrolment of beneficiaries under the ambitious modified Direct Benefits Transfer for LPG (DBTL) scheme has finally stopped at 128.7 million people, oil ministry, data show. This translates into annual subsidy savings for the government to the tune of Rs 5,060 crore at the current prices that was linked to the rest 21.3 million customers. These include...
The weakest link - Ashok Gulati
-The Indian Express Among the Modi government’s many hits was one crucial miss — agriculture. The Narendra Modi sarkar’s performance in the first year has at least five major achievements and one major miss. To ensure that this neglect does not become its Achilles’ heel, the Modi sarkar will have to focus on and initiate reforms in this weakest link in the chain — agriculture. Else, it will not let the Indian...
More »Farmers see income gains vanish in Narendra Modi’s inflation war -Pratik Parija, Prabhudatta Mishra & Unni Krishnan
-Livemint.com/ Bloomberg Modi is facing resentment among rural households that became accustomed to large wage increases under his predecessor New Delhi: In the wheat fields stretching across northern India, farmers like Dalvir Sharma are starting to turn on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Sharma, 51, voted for Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) last year after it promised to stem rising prices in the market. Now he’s struggling to pay back a Rs.100,000 loan...
More »Land Wars 2.0 -Nidheesh J Villatt
-Tehelka It took the BJP regime just one year to complete the policy transition from ‘land to the tiller’ to ‘land from the tiller’ that had been initiated during previous Congress regimes. In 2022, we will be celebrating 75 years of India’s Independence. In Indian culture, this is celebrated as Amrit Mahotsav. For us, every day and every step, every journey and every process will be dedicated to make Amritmay Bharat....
More »Cotton losing favour with Indian farmers as China buys less -Swansy Afonso
-Livemint.com/Bloomberg A smaller harvest in India would ease a global surplus that sent New York prices to a five-year low in January Mumbai: Farmers in India may plant fewer acres of cotton as slumping demand from China cuts exports to the lowest level in six years. The area is set to drop as much as 10% in the 12 months starting 1 October from a record 12.97 million hectares a year earlier,...
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