ForMer Karnataka chief ministers H D Kumaraswamy and Dharam Singh could be next to face corruption charges, threatening to complete the political triangle over graft in the state with BJP's B S Yeddyurappa already facing a probe for illegality in grant of mining leases and land scams. The Lok Sabha secretariat has turned down a request from a private individual seeking sanction for prosecution against forMer PM H D Deve Gowda's...
Plan panel stays away from new team set up to redo poverty math-Devika Banerji
The Planning Commission has distanced itself from the government's decision to appoint a committee to reconsider the way poverty numbers are estimated, indicating a deep divide between the political masters and the technocrats at institution charged with laying down development agenda for the country. On Thursday, Minister for Planning Ashwini Kumar announced a committee under C Rangarajan, chairman of prime minister's economic advisory council, to review the widely criticised poverty estimates released...
More »The tyranny of context-Dharminder Kumar
Looking closer at the Ambedkar cartoon and the power play in it We have examined a lot of politics and history around the Ambedkar cartoon but left the most important part unexamined — the very cartoon that created such a furore in Parliament. By assuming that the meaning of the cartoon is wholly dependent on one context, we have denied the work of art whatever autonomy of meaning it could have....
More »Rescinding Freedom via Ambedkar-Dhananjay Rai
Books, cartoons and judgments are being discussed thoroughly from highest bodies of liberal democracy like Parliament to constituents of public sphere i.e. print to media artefacts. Primarily, there are two standpoints regarding inclusion/exclusion of cartoons in NCERT Books (political science). Inclusionary argument is based on idea of deliverance of great service to B.R.Ambedkar while emphasising his teachings, ideas and place in the book. Exclusionary argument is based on cartoon itself...
More »Job portal for disabled-Ananya Sengupta
Soon, the country’s estimated 40 million people with disabilities will be able to track job opportunities at the click of a mouse. will be launched tomorrow at a national conference on livelihood for persons with disability held by business chamber Ficci. The site is designed to be friendly for the disabled and will be exclusively for use by such people. The portal, the first such initiative in South Asia that...
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