-The Indian Express Policemen firing to control rioters in Dhule aimed above the waist in violation of rules, new video clips with The Indian Express show. Six Muslim men were killed by Police bullets after a minor quarrel over the food bill at a roadside stall escalated into rioting in the north Maharashtra town on January 6. All the dead had injuries in the upper half of their bodies. The video clips (see...
Gang rape case: plea for bone ossification test turned down
-The Hindu The sixth accused in the December 16 gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student here, was on Monday declared a minor by a Juvenile Justice Board on the basis of his school enrolment records, thus paving the way for an inquiry against him. The sixth accused in the December 16 gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student here, was on Monday declared a minor by a...
More »Make investigating officers, prosecutors accountable in rape cases: Gujarat HC
-The Indian Express Ahmedabad: Coming down heavily on the Police and prosecutors for their "casualness" in handling of rape cases, the Gujarat High Court has said they should be held accountable if they "fail the victims in securing justice". "It is high time the investigating officer as well as the prosecutor concerned are held accountable, and appropriate actions taken against them after affording them opportunity of being heard and explain the circumstances...
More »Nandy and the plight of original thinker in Twitter age-Ajay Singh
-Governance Now But his eminence is not worth a vote for Mayawati, Paswan and others baying for his blood In an age where 22-second sound bites become the source of heated political debate and vacuous intellectual discourse, eminent sociologist Ashis Nandy’s indiscretion may seem unpardonable. Clearly, he is too old to adapt to bites-induced intellectualism, making him almost incompatible with an impatient class of social elites whose intellectual span is defined by...
More »FIR against Ashis Nandy in Chhattisgarh for 'caste slur' -Joseph John
-The Times of India RAIPUR: A First Information Report (FIR) has been lodged at Sarangarh in Chhattisgarh against social theorist and political critic AshisNandy for his controversial comments that people from the other backward classes, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes were the "most corrupt". Sarangarh Police station's sub-inspector Suresh Sahu said office bearers of an association of scheduled castes reached the Police station and filed an FIR naming Nandy and seeking action...
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