-The Indian Express The Supreme Court on Friday sought reply from Uttarakhand and six other states for their alleged failure to implement the Disaster Management Act. A Bench led by Justice A K Patnaik sought responses from the Centre and the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands on a PIL alleging the governments had failed to implement the 2005 disaster law in true spirit. The six other states asked to respond are...
Leech Fields-Minu Ittyipe
-Outlook Social indices topper Kerala just can't stop the baby deaths in its malnutrition-hit tribal Attapady belt Under the thick canopy of a peepal tree, beside the road that winds to Pallur Ooru in Attapady in the Western Ghats, is a small tribal burial ground. There are no tombstones to mark the graves and on closer look one sees tiny mounds where the mud has been disturbed. In a quiet corner,...
More »Midday tragedy
-The Indian Express Bihar horror must focus attention on why this powerful scheme is so patchily implemented across India Even as news broke of children succumbing to the toxins in their school midday meal in Chhapra district, Bihar, political parties snatched it for their own ends. The facts of the case have been barely comprehended, parents and teachers are in shock, but the BJP was quick to blame the Nitish Kumar government...
More »Dal Will Tell You What the Government Cares About-Bhavdeep Kang
-Grist Media The proposed Food Security Bill will likely raise the demand for dal across India. While farmers and consumers are against it, the government keeps favouring the agri-industry and importing more and more cheap versions to offset rising inflation. But why won't India produce its own dal anymore? Nowhere are Canada's agricultural production plans tracked more closely than in India's Ministry of Food & Consumer Affairs. As it struggles to meet...
More »The poisoned plate
-The Hindu The fatal consequences of having a routine midday meal for at least 22 children in Bihar's Saran district expose the chronic neglect of school education in a large part of India. That governments cannot find a small piece of land for a school and are unable to store food materials without the risk of contamination is a telling commentary on their commitment to universal primary education. The Bihar horror...
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