-The Hindu 30 per cent of rural and 20 per cent of urban households said they practised untouchability Just five per cent of Indians said they had married a person from a different caste, says the first direct estimate of inter-caste marriages in India. The India Human Development Survey (IHDS), conducted by the National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) and the University of Maryland, also reported that 30 per cent of rural...
Delhi better than London and New York: LSE study
-India Today Delhi attracts a bad name for its crime, traffic snarls and governance, but statistics generated by an international survey reveal that the national capital fares well in many ways when compared to other cities like London, New York, Tokyo, Istanbul and Berlin. Delhi's performance across a number of indicators was compared to these cities in terms of economy, population, society, governance, density, green space, environment and transport during the study...
More »CAG takes ‘Aswachh’ Gujarat to task
-The Times of India GANDHINAGAR (Gujarat): Though Gujarat claims to be the vanguard of Indian states working for the swachchta revolution championed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has discovered an untidy record. In its report, 'Local Bodies of Gujarat' - released on Tuesday and covering the period till year ending March 2013 - the CAG points out failures of the state in the execution of the...
More »Survival of tribals in Attappadi region under threat as infant deaths continue -Shaju Philip
-The Indian Express Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala): Infant deaths are still stalking tribal hamlets in Kerala's Attappadi region, where the community's population has been falling alarmingly due to various factors. The recurring incidents of infant deaths have cast a shadow over the survival of tribals in Attappadi. A study had found that tribals formed 90 per cent of population in Attappadi in 1951, but the same was down to 42 per cent in...
More »Utopia as skill set -Santosh Mehrotra
-The Hindu Is India ready to cash in on its demographic dividend? A demographic dividend is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a nation and can either make or mar its citizens' present and future. When the share of the working-age population is on a rising curve while the share of dependents (those under the age of 15 and over 60) is falling, it enables workers to save (hence savings share in GDP rises)...
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