Sharda, a 17-year-old mother, gave birth to her first child in February in a village in Noida, just a few hours' drive outside New Delhi. Though her son was born premature and weak, he received no treatment. In many parts of India, particularly in poor and marginalized communities, a woman is considered impure for a fortnight after giving birth. After labor, Sharda was relegated to a makeshift room outside her...
India set to meet UN 2015 poverty goal
In the fight against poverty, India seems to be winning - in some parts of the country at least. Vimla Sharma lives in Suwana Village in Rajasthan. Her life has been dramatically improved by a government scheme called the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. Launched in 2005, it guarantees every rural family 100 days of work a year at a wage of 100 rupees a day. She can now send...
More »Differently-abled children under-reported by John Samuel & Raja D
The differently-abled account for 5-7% of India’s population in the age group of 6-14 years, but they make up only 0.4% of its workforce. This large variance in the space of a few years can be explained by the disadvantages and discrimination the differently-abled face at every step, starting from the first: being counted. Civil society activists say various attempts by the government to identify and enumerate the differently-abled in...
More »Pay more for LPG if you pay tax or live in a city by Rajeev Jayaswal
The government is considering several options to rationalise the subsidy on cooking gas such as excluding income tax payers from getting subsidised cylinders, limiting availability per household and higher prices for urban customers to provide this clean fuel in rural areas. “Those who can afford must pay the full price, while subsidised LPG should be made available to the poor,” an oil ministry official said adding that the ministry has...
More »Bumper harvest in parched land by Santosh K Kiro
For a village of 400, a lesson learnt in 1965 and acted upon 20 years later has meant that its residents don’t have to worry about Jharkhand’s recurring calamity: drought. For those living in the Gumla village surrounded by hills, parched farmlands are a thing of the past, thanks to the success of a community initiative that led to the construction of a check dam to trap the water of a...
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