Television channels in India have been ordered not to broadcast "overtly sexual" deodorant adverts that use female models in racy storylines. The channels have been given five days to modify the offending adverts or take them off air. "The ads brim with messages aimed at tickling libidinous male instincts," India's information ministry said in a statement. None of the companies named by the ministry have so far responded. The ministry said that the adverts...
“Honour at least some of the promises on disability rights”
Unhappy with the government's “failure” to honour the promises made for persons with disability under the 11th Five Year Plan, the Disabled Rights Group has demanded that it implement at least those decisions that can be achieved in the remaining period of the Plan. The group will register its protest in front of the Planning Commission office on Friday, when the first meeting of the steering committee on ‘empowerment of persons...
More »NAC for 100% land acquisition by govt
-The Indian Express With Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee resigning from the Union CABinet to take over as the Chief Minister of West Bengal, the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) today completely sidelined her objections against government role in land acquisition — even for private industry. “The government will be acquiring 100 per cent of the land for public purpose by offering very good compensation to landowners. If the public purpose...
More »Govt drops move to divide dalits into sub-groups by Subodh Ghildiyal
The move to divide dalits into sub-groups seems headed for cold storage, amid indications that the Centre is apprehensive of the political consequences of the proposal which has polarized the volatile community along sub-castes. The social justice ministry has recalled its earlier proposal to amend the Constitution to facilitate division of the SC list as per wishes of some states. It will now seek the views of states on the entire...
More »Singur agreement to be made public: Mamata by Indrani Dutta
Even as she said that she would welcome the Tatas setting up a unit at Singur, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said here on Wednesday that the agreement signed between Tata Motors and the previous government for the Nano project would be put in the public domain within a day or two. Briefing the Press after her second CABinet meeting since assuming office last weekend, she said: “As a reciprocal gesture, I...
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