-The Hindu Scope for the middlemen has increased, says IIT professor Reetika Khera In Bandaveedhi village in Paderu in Visakhapatnam agency, 400 residents had gone without the basic food items from the public distribution system (PDS) in April, as the officer concerned had a marriage at home and had no time to switch on the biometric machine that would record the finger prints of the beneficiaries. In Kasimkota, Padma, 70, was sent...
Rich-poor divide in India widening as economy grows: Report -Chetan Chauhan
-Hindustan Times A new report examining 25 years of India’s economic liberalisation says exclusion of a large section of Dalits and Muslims have not gained adequately from the growth unlike more influential empowered sections of the society As India’s economy grew rapidly, the inequality between the richest and the poorest rose, the number of landless farmers increased and employment generation was lowest in 2015, says a new report examining 25 years...
More »Deposit gush: CA Institute bats for special audit -KR Srivats
-The Hindu Business Line Need to assess impact of demonetisation on banks, says ICAI chief Vikamsey New Delhi: The CA Institute has urged the Finance Ministry and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to allow its members to undertake focused “special audit” of deposit flows into the banking system during the demonetisation period, which started on November 8 and ended on December 31 last year. There is a need to assess the demonetisation...
More »Baseless Aadhaar and its many flaws: When the poor lose their thumb prints -Osama Manzar & Eshita Mukherjee
-Business Standard When machines don't recognise their thumb prints, Aadhaar turns into a device of exclusion Wardi Devi, a senior citizen, hails from a remote town of Rajasthan. She’s tried to enrol for the Aadhaar thrice and even paid Rs. 150 and Rs. 50 to agents while making the first two attempts. Tired of coughing out her hard earned money from her meagre wages, she refused to pay anything the third time....
More »Tricks of a trade -Divya Trivedi
-Frontline Cattle traders see a nexus between cow vigilantes and animal rights organisations in Delhi, where vigilantes unleashed violence in April. In the past year, 40,000 animals seized by them were not returned to the owners, and traders believe that they were sold. A PLANNED and brutal assault on cattle traders in Kalkaji in Delhi on April 22 by a mob of gau rakshaks (cow protectors) has brought to the fore...
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