-The Hindustan Times Tension continued on Friday in Bharatpur’s Gopalgarh village over a clash between two communities while the death toll rose to eight. A person injured in the riots on Wednesday died at the Sawai Man Singh Hospital in Jaipur and a body was recovered in Gopalgarh village. The visit of Rajasthan home minister Shanti Dhariwal, chief secretary Salauddin Ahmed and director general of police HC Meena to the area failed to...
Not the solution by Abdul Khaliq
With the National Integration Council discussing the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill drafted by the National Advisory Council (NAC), the consensus against the legislation has been consolidated. Till then, the charge had been led primarily by the archetypal minority bashers, the constituents of the Sangh Parivar, who refused to acknowledge the uncomfortable truth about communal and targeted violence — that it is minorities and Dalits who bear the...
More »7 die as Tamil Nadu cops fire on dalit mob
-DNA Tamil Nadu government ordered a judicial probe into Sunday’s police firing in Ramanathapuram district which claimed seven lives. “What happened at Paramakudi was unfortunate and we are forming an inquiry commission under a retired high court judge to probe the whole incident,” Jayalalithaa told the state assembly on Monday. Seven people were killed and more than fifty persons injured when police opened fire to quell a riot unleashed by a group...
More »Advertisers oppose broadcasters' TRP proposal by Viveat Susan Pinto
In a face-off between advertisers and news broadcasters over the issue of the periodicity of reporting television rating points, the former has opposed the broadcasters’ proposal to have TRPs of shows move from a weekly to a monthly format. The News Broadcasters Association (NBA) last week had issued a letter to TAM, the body that measures television viewership in India, asking it to consider the option of reporting TRPs of programmes...
More »Bengal opposes riot bill by Archis Mohan and Arnab Ganguly
Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamul Congress today expressed “serious objections” to the proposed bill against communal violence, saying the current draft undermined the country’s federal structure. The BJP said it would intensify its campaign against the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Regulations) Bill, 2011, emboldened by the objections of other non-Congress parties, although none backed its pet “bias against Hindus” line. ( ) Mamata did not attend the National...
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