-The Hindu On the orders of the Special Lokayukta Court here, the Lokayukta police on Thursday filed FIR against three former Chief Ministers as well as 11 senior civil servants of karnataka. External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna, and MPs N. Dharam Singh and H.D. Kumaraswamy will be investigated by the Lokayukta police in a case in which they have been accused of complicity in the alleged multi-crore mining scam. The investigating agency will...
MGNREGA scheme: 61 cases of under-payment of wages
-PTI Government said a large number of complaints relating to implementation of its flagship MGNREGA scheme, including 61 cases related to underpayment of wages, have been received from all over the country. Minister of State in the Rural Development Ministry Pradeep Jain 'Aditya' told Lok Sabha that 24 of the 61 complaints pertaining to under-payment of wages emanated from Uttar Pradesh alone. The data showed that 14 such complaints were received from Rajasthan...
More »Ministries lock horns over rural job plan by Prasad Nichenametla
Two ministries concerned with rural development are at loggerheads over running of the government's flagship scheme- the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). The agriculture ministry is protesting the way the Rs 40, 000 crore programme is being executed, saying it has increased the burden on agriculture, which is showing just about two percent growth now. "State-level studies by the Agro Economic Research Centres on wage rate, food security...
More »Dalits roll over Brahmin food by KM Rakesh
A state-run temple in BJP-ruled karnataka has lifted a ban on a ritual in which backward castes roll on banana leaves with food leftovers of Brahmins believing they will be “blessed”, sparking an outcry. Groups representing lower castes, academicians and social activists have described the decision by the authorities of the Kukke Subrahmanya Temple to revive made snana (bath in leftovers) as abominable and uncivilised. Over 3,000 people have gone through the...
More »Dalits seek ban on Made Snana
-The Times of India Leaders of various dalit organizations demanded a ban on Made Made Snana practiced at Kukke Sri Subrahmanya Temple during the 'shasti' festivities at the monthly meeting organised by DK district police with members of and representatives of SC/ST organizations here on Sunday. Terming the practice "inhuman", they demanded that the feelings of dalits be conveyed to the state government for necessary action.L Shekar of Dalit Hakkugalla Horata...
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