Even as Narmada Bachao Andolan leader Medha Patkar on Thursday demanded repeal of the Land Acquisition Act, 1984, the All-India Kisan Sabha urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to call a special session of Parliament to discuss the issue. Ms. Patkar, who was arrested at Parsaul village on Thursday and later released, said that instead of an amended Act, there should be a comprehensive Development Planning Act under which development should only...
NHRC team to probe Greater Noida violence
National Commission for Women seeks CBI inquiry into incidents The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) will depute its investigation team to Greater Noida, adjoining Delhi, to inquire into the clashes between farmers and the police on the issue of acquisition of farmlands by the Uttar Pradesh government. The Commission, in a press release here on Thursday, said it was pained to see complaints and media reports alleging large-scale violence in Bhatta-Parsaul...
More »NBRI’s fungus to tackle pests attacking pulses
The production of pulses in the country has been hit by a pest called pod borer. The common pest which attacks all pulses, chick pea, pigeon pea, gram, groundnut and lentils is a cause of worry for farmers in several states. The National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) has developed a technology based on Beauveria bassiana, a fungus, which is effective against pod borer of chick pea and pigeon pea and...
More »Check Govt Grain Buys, Use Cash Transfers or Food Coupons: Study by Prabha Jagannathan
Massive grain procurement to meet the requirements under the proposed national food security law could drive out the private sector and have larger implications on the state of the domestic procurement market, a study on food and nutritional security has warned. Apart from impacting exports and cereal price in the open market, rising public procurement will only make it costly to buy, store, transport and distribute grain, the study said, adding...
More »Get Land Acquisition Bill ready, Manmohan tells Deshmukh by K Balchand
Directive comes in the wake of turmoil in Greater Noida Supplementing political offensive with a dose of administrative endeavour, in the build-up to the next round of Assembly elections, focussed on Uttar Pradesh, Prime Minster Manmohan Singh has asked Union Minister for Rural Development Vilasrao Deshmukh to finalise at the earliest the two amended Bills on land acquisition and rehabilitation and resettlement. Confirming Dr. Singh's directive, Mr. Deshmukh told The Hindu...
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