The Bill to protect whistleblowers, introduced in the Lok Sabha, is a belated but welcome move to shield those who stand up, often at great personal risk, for the sake of truth and the public interest. The Public Interest Disclosures and the Protection to Persons Making the Disclosures Bill 2010 is the circuitous and protracted outcome of the Supreme Court's strong pitch for a mechanism to protect whistleblowers. This it...
Dilemmas of equality in education by Philip G Altbach & Eldho Mathews
Kerala has done well in the field of higher education and holds much promise. But further policy initiatives are needed to sustain the momentum and prepare for future challenges. Kerala, almost alone among Indian States, has pursued a consistent and in many ways successful higher education policy. It educates 18 per cent of its young people, double the national average, and has universal literacy. It is worth looking at what might...
More »17 yrs after Mandal, 7% OBCs in govt jobs by D Suresh Kumar
Nearly 17 years after the implementation of 27% reservation for OBCs in central government jobs on the basis of the Mandal Commission recommendations, a mere 6.87% of those employed in various union departments in Groups A, B, C and D services belong to the group. Thus a significant 20% posts across categories and departments reserved for OBCs remain unfilled raising doubts on the effective implementation of the Mandal Commission recommendations....
More »Farmers can save Rs 600 cr in 5 yrs through mobile broadband: PwC
Farmers can save about Rs 600 crore over the next five years through mobile broadband-based services which provide them with quick information on market prices and vital crop inputs, says a report. Getting information quickly on best prices and cultivation practises, with special focus on areas like plant protection from diseases and weather-related damage, will help farmers take fast decisions, saving them about Rs600 crore by 2015, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report said. Lack...
More »Calories, prices and incomes by Raghav Gaiha, Raghbendra Jha and Vani S Kulkarni
Various recent studies point to a puzzle. Despite rising incomes, there has been a sustained decline in per capita calorie intake. In an important contribution , A Deaton and J Dreze (‘ Food and Nutrition in India: Facts and Interpretations’ , Economic and Political Weekly, XLIV (7), 2009) offer a detailed analysis of the decline in calorie intake in 1983-2004 . Average calorie consumption was about 10% lower in rural...
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