-Newslaundry.com Srishti Jatav says the police held her for three hours, snatched away her phone and deleted the videos she had made. “I had learned that Delhi Development Authority and Delhi police officials were at Dhobi Ghat, Jamia Nagar, to remove some slum dwellings. When I reached there to cover it, the police took me and my cameraman Raju into custody,” she told Newslaundry. “The police first snatched away our camera and...
PLFS data: What the numbers hide -Arup Mitra and Puneet Kumar Shrivastav
-The Hindu Business Line The sharp spike in labour participation rates in the latest survey is difficult to reconcile with earlier years’ data The third periodic labour force survey (PLFS) data for the year 2019-20 have been released recently. The biggest surprise is the increase in the labour force and work force participation rates compared to the last two rounds of annual averages. Please click here to read more. ...
More »India Will Remember Gail Omvedt Forever -Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd
-TheWire.in Scholars study her books to understand the question of caste and untouchability, and also to change the caste system. Dr Gail Omvedt (81), one of the greatest scholars on caste studies, passed away on August 24, 2021 evening in her village, Kasegaon, Sangli, Maharashtra. Omvedt has pioneered caste studies having come as a student from the US and settled down in India in the 1970s. She later married Bharat Patankar, a Marxist...
More »Committed, courageous, prolific writer who brought to fore Phule-Ambedkar legacy -Vibhuti Patel
-Counterview.net We salute Dr Gail Omvedt for her revolutionary spirit. Dr Gail Omvedt, committed and courageous, prolific writer and powerful social scientists who brought to the fore Phule-Ambedkar legacy in the context of rising social movements in the post emergency period is no more. Please click here to read more. ...
More »Tamil Nadu government announces ₹100-crore urban jobs scheme
-The Hindu The urban employment scheme will be on the lines of MGNREGS, to improve livelihood of urban poor. CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government will implement an urban employment scheme on the lines of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) at a cost of ₹100 crore to improve the livelihood of urban poor, Minister for Municipal Administration, Urban and Water Supply K.N. Nehru said in the Assembly on Tuesday. “In the...
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