-PTI Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh said Friday the government will take all measures to ensure that Onion Prices do not go up to the Rs 80-100 per kg level again, seeking to quell fears of a spike in the festive season ahead. The monsoon was late, so the kharif or summer onion crop would be delayed by a month in Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, the main growing areas. This could...
Delayed seeds of reform -Ashok Gulati
-The Financial Express Controlling food inflation seems to have pre-occupied the attention of the Modi government, at least for now, and it has succeeded in minimising the damage despite a poor monsoon. The Modi government had to hit the ground running as far as food and agriculture is concerned. With delayed and deficient rains in June and the spectre of El Nino, drought was looming large. Food inflation was stubbornly stuck at...
More »Ashok Gulati, former chairman of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, and at present chair professor agriculture, the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, speaks with Sandip Das
-The Financial Express From allocating extra foodgrains to states as a means to fight the price rise to setting up a high-level committee to recommend measures for restructuring the Food Corporation of India (FCI), the government has taken various steps for cutting down food subsidy and curbing further spike in agricultural commodity prices. From allocating extra foodgrains to states as a means to fight the price rise to setting up a high-level...
More »Veggies Prices Rocket in Haryana, Punjab Over Lack of Supply
-Outlook Chandigarh: In the wake of shortage of supplies from neighbouring states like Himachal Pradesh, prices of vegetables including tomato and potato have seen a significant surge in the last one week in Punjab and Haryana. Tomato prices have jumped from Rs 50 last week to Rs 70 per kg in the retail markets this week, traders said. Over a month ago, tomatoes, which are integral to preparation of most Punjabi dishes, were...
More »Farmers against bringing onions under Essential Commodities Act -Dilip Kumar Jha
-The Business Standard Won't sow next season if Rs 15 MSP not declared and govt does not procure at market driven price, scarcity seen in 2015-16 Lasalgaon (Maharashtra): Arjun Kadam, a farmer here, has vowed not to sow the onion crop next season because of the government's frequent intervention to keep prices low, in many cases lower than the cost of production. Thousands of farmers such as Kadam have voiced concern over the...
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