-The Hindu The Congress, the NCP and the Shiv Sena have called for a Maharashtra bandh on October 11 against the killings of the farmers at Lakhimpur Kheri Three days after all three ruling parties in Maharashtra — the Congress, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and the Shiv Sena — called for a State bandh against the killings of the farmers at Lakhimpur Kheri in Uttar Pradesh, the Samyukt Shetkari Kamgar Morcha...
IMF’s Issue of Fresh SDRs -Prabhat Patnaik
-Networkideas.org The International Monetary Fund has announced a fresh issue of $650 billion Special Drawing Rights in August which would be distributed among member countries in proportion to their IMF quotas. This amount is less than what had been demanded by many, which was a trillion dollars, but it does represent a small temporary comfort for the heavily indebted third world countries. Almost all of it will go into the pockets of...
More »UN Food Systems Summit marginalizes human rights and disappoints, say experts
-United Nations Human Rights Office of The High Commissioner GENEVA 22 SEPTEMBER 2021: On the eve of the Food Systems Summit, UN human rights experts are deeply concerned that the event will not be a “people’s summit” as promised. They are worried that the Summit will instead leave behind the most marginalized and vulnerable people. According to the three human rights experts, who were involved in the Summit preparation, “The Summit claims...
More »UN Food Systems Summit: The Battle Over Global Food and Agriculture Governance -Oakland Institute
-Press release by Oakland Institute dated 21st September, 2021 Oakland, CA: The Food Systems Summit, hosted by the United Nations, has been reduced to a day-long virtual event on September 23, 2021 — a result of an unprecedented counter mobilization around the world. Hijacked by proponents of corporate industrial agriculture, the summit faced a united front from farmers, civil society groups, and social movements around the world, who rejected and mobilized...
More »Hindi gains ground via a demographic shift -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu 10 States with the most Hindi speakers account for 46.5% of India’s population When the Centre launched its NIPUN Bharat scheme to improve foundational literacy and numeracy among primary school students in July 2021, participants from non-Hindi speaking States complained that they were the ones left feeling illiterate as they could not understand either the speeches, nor the PowerPoint presentations on the scheme, all made in formal Hindi. A month...
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