On the night of June 21, around 10 p.m., the police of West Bengal’s Hooghly district descended on Tata Motors’ half-built Singur plant and threw out the private guards there. In about half an hour, the new government in West Bengal, under the leadership of Mamata Banerjee, took over the 997 acres that had proved to be the Waterloo of the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) and its allies. Earlier,...
Did not abandon Singur land: Tata
Kolkata : Tata Motors Limited today told the Calcutta High Court that after the relocation of the Nano plant, the company had been interested in using the land for alternative investment and, therefore, could not be accused of abandoning the area. The automobile manufacturer — which has challenged the Singur Land Development and Rehabilitation Act, 2011 — also discussed the issue with the then Left Front government, Tata Motors counsel Samaraditya...
More »Environment ministry cites loopholes in forest laws to defend clearing Posco- by Nitin Sethi
NEW DELHI: The environment ministry made a specious argument before the Cuttack bench of Orissa High Court, defending its decision to clearPosco without verifying if the Forest Rights Act had been violated or not in diverting forest land to the Rs 54,000 crore integrated steel plant. It said that the law – also UPA's flagship pro-tribal scheme -- did not provide any mechanism to verify its implementation in a case,...
More »Court order goes against Doctrine of Separation of Powers: Centre by J. Venkatesan
The Centre, while seeking to recall/modify the July 4 Supreme Court order on the black money issue, has disputed the finding that certain admissions and concessions were made by the government counsel during the course of hearing of the petition filed by the former Union Law Minister, Ram Jethmalani. On July 15, the Centre filed an application for recall of the order (briefly published on July 16). According to the application...
More »PPP projects out of RTI, CIC knocks on PM door
With the government serving a severe blow to transparency in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects worth one trillion rupees the Central Information Commission has decided to seek Prime Minister’s Manmohan Singh’s intervention. “We will be writing to the Prime Minister that there should not be a blanket ban on making RTI applicable to PPP projects,” said an Information Commissioner, following a decision at the commission’s last meeting. The CIC wanted the...
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