-The Indian Express The Allahabad High Court has scrapped the user fee on the Delhi-Noida Direct (DND) Flyway, saying the concessionaire has already recovered its ‘reasonable’ dues. Allahabad High Court last week scrapped the toll levied on commuters using the Delhi-Noida Direct (DND) Flyway, a major traffic artery connecting southeast Delhi with Noida across the Yamuna in Uttar Pradesh. A subsequent bid by the Noida Toll Bridge Company Ltd (NTBCL) — the...
Still seriously hungry and poor -Amit Kapoor & Sankalp Sharma
-The Hindu Economic growth alone is not enough to achieve key Sustainable Development Goals. It must translate into jobs for the poor and marginalised India is the fastest growing large economy in the world today. Despite this, one in every five Indians is poor. Multilateral agencies as well as governments are playing an active role in understanding problems relating to poverty and hunger and finding solutions to them. But these challenges are...
More »Centre may rope in banks to boost forest cover -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: All banking institutions in India may soon chip in to increase India's forest cover in a coordinated manner. If the environment ministry has its way, all banks will be asked to join the central and the state governments in their ongoing efforts of afforestation. The move will be part of one of the 10 ways, identified by the Centre, to reach India's key climate goal. As...
More »Niti Aayog to vet performance of 500 autonomous bodies -Mahendra K Singh
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The government has decided to focus on over 500 autonomous bodies -from the University Grants Commission and Jawahar Lal Nehru University to Delhi Development Authority, Prasar Bharati and CSIR -and has asked Niti Aayog to review the performance of these entities that have mushroomed over the years with little oversight. Sources told TOI that Niti Aayog has been entrusted the task as the government looks to...
More »Feeding off the land -Anuradha Sengupta
-The Hindu Business Line An Odisha organisation is working hard to preserve traditional foods and prevent the mainstream from swallowing up local knowledge systems Inside a candy pink-and-yellow shamiana, a group of children in blue uniforms line up in front of stalls heaving with different kinds of foods. Tubers in shades of brown, beige and cream; pink and red berries; tiny yellow, orange and red tomatoes; leaves of many sizes and shapes;...
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