-GaonConnection.com Recently the Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the auction of 41 coal mines for commercial mining in the country. Jharkand has already approached the Supreme Court opposing this move. Now, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra governments have written to the Union environment minister opposing the auction to protect its forests, a tiger reserve and a proposed elephant reserve THRee days after the Jharkhand government approached the Supreme Court of India challenging the Centre’s...
The Fine Print of the Essential Commodities Act Ordinance Must be Carefully Parsed -Siraj Hussain
-TheWire.in More clarity is needed on what will be considered an export order in case stock limit has to be imposed. Out of the THRee game-changing ordinances issued by the Centre on June 5, 2020, the shortest and the most critical to the future of investment in agriculture is “The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020”. The ordinance seeks to specify and restrict the conditions under which the government will be empowered issue regulations...
More »Lockdown further impoverishes those who were living on the edges of existence even during normal times, finds a new report
A recent survey that was conducted THRough telephonic interviews among 1,405 respondents across the states of Delhi-NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Rajasthan and Jharkhand reveals the precarious conditions of workers nearly 45 days after the announcement of COVID-19 lockdown. The report entitled Labouring Lives: Hunger, Precarity and Despair amid Lockdown tries to understand the extent (and depth) of job loss and hunger 45 days after the lockdown. Hunger and...
More »Don’t lose sight of long-standing fight against undernutrition -Simonti Chakraborty
-The Pioneer As the wave of the Covid-19 pandemic grips the globe, the entire population of affected countries has been left vulnerable. Especially worrisome has been the long-term impact that such a crisis can have on children in the coming days and years. Though medically, it has been observed that children have been less affected by the deadly virus, concerns of them being the “hidden victims” of this global health emergency...
More »‘Garib Kalyan Rozgar Abhiyan’ not sufficient for J'khand, says JPCC
-The Pioneer Ranchi: Jharkhand Pradesh Congress Committee (JPCC) said on Saturday that due to nationwide complete lockdown, the economy of the entire Country has collapsed, in such a situation, the Garib Kalyan Rozgar Abhiyan is not enough to start in only 116 districts of the Country and only THRee districts of backward State like Jharkhand. In a joint statement issued by JPCC Spokesperson Alok Kumar Dubey, Lal Kishorenath Shahdeo, Rajesh Gupta said...
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