-The Indian Express While the BJP disrupted the functioning of Parliament for the second consecutive day on Wednesday demanding Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s resignation for alleged failure to go for auctioning of coal blocks, at least four states that were ruled by the Opposition at the time had raised the red flag when the Centre proposed the competitive bidding route in 2005. The Centre had cited the lack of “transparency and objectivity”...
Gujarat Congress promises 100 yard plots, soft loans for rural poor
-The Business Standard The Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee (GPCC) on Wednesday announced that it would provide 100 yard plots to landless and homeless families in rural areas of the state, if the party was voted to power during the assembly elections to be held in December this year. This announcement is part of the Congress's poll campaign 'Gujarat Praja Vikas Darshan 2012'. GPCC president Arjun Modhvadia said claimed that the Narendra Modi...
More »Government ready to take up bill to amend Coal Mine Nationalisation Act: Coal Minister Sri Prakash Jaiswal-Rohini Singh & Soma Banerjee
-The Economic Times The government is ready to give up its monopoly over coal mining to meet the requirements of the economy, if BJP supports a long-pending legislation to amend the Coal Mine Nationalisation Act (CMNA). "We are ready to take up the bill and open up the coal sector to increase production. This is the only way forward and there is a consensus within the government on this. Once BJP comes...
More »Imagining a new national politics-Yogendra Yadav
-The Hindu There is at last some clarity on the politics of the anti-corruption movements. Baba Ramdev’s dramatic call for Congress- hatao and the ‘political turn’ of the Anna movement have confirmed that a movement aimed at rooting out corruption cannot defer a direct encounter with party politics for very long. The manner in which both decisions were announced left something to be desired. The announcement by ‘Team Anna’ invited serious...
More »Throwing in the Towel
-Economic and Political Weekly The anti-corruption movement’s antics have weakened other movements for accountability. The recent fast-unto-death by members of “Team Anna” (a self-proclaimed name which has always sounded pompous even if loved by a media looking for a catchy title) thankfully ended without any calamity on the advice of a group of “eminent” citizens and with a promise to carry on the “movement” in the political sphere. Many commentators have, rightly,...
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