West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, now on a tour of the State's Drought-hit areas, has said that the prime task before the government was to save whatever crop had been sown in the 11 districts where cultivation had been badly affected by the errant monsoon. Protecting livelihoods was also very important, he said. “Our first task now is to save whatever crop has already been cultivated by the farmers in...
India's 'constant gardeners' by Keya Acharya
In some remote villages in India, which are most unlikely to pose as models of development, a quiet rejuvenation is taking place, with communities learning to adapt to the climate change reality of the country today. Everyone knows by now that one of the foremost signs of climate change for the country is the changing pattern of the monsoon. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has already forecast shorter yet...
More »Rice stocks rot for years
A huge quantity of rice, enough to feed thousands of hungry mouths, has been allowed to rot in Drought-hit Jharkhand. Nearly 14,000 quintals of rice perished thanks to the negligence of the East Singhbhum district administration which did precious little to stop sacks of staple from being reduced to an inedible heap at a block office godown near Parsudih. Officials said scrapping of the Sampurn Gramin Rojgar Yojana (SGRY) in 2006 was...
More »Rice output may reach record as rain boosts planting
India, the world’s second-biggest rice grower, may have a record harvest this year as increased planting offset Drought in the east of the country. Production may total 100 million tonnes in the year ending June 2011, compared with 89.3 million tonnes a year ago, said Vijay Setia, president of All India Rice Exporters’ Association. Output was a record 99.2 million tonnes in the year ended June 30, 2009, according to the...
More »CPI-M Demands Universal Coverage Under PDS
Expressing concern at a large quantity of foodgrains rotting in the FCI godowns across the country, the CPI-M today demanded universal coverage of the people under the Public Distribution System (PDS) for proper utilisation of available food stocks. The government should consider universal coverage of the people under the PDS by dilution the criterian of APL or BPL for not only full utilisation of available foodgrains, but also to rein in...
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