-The Hindu Meerut: According to officials in the Lucknow police headquarters, over 100 people have been arrested and 25 cases filed in the last one week. Uttar Pradesh is on the boil again. In just about three weeks, there were as many as a dozen incidents of communal violence. Nine districts of the State, including urban areas like Kanpur, Mianpuri, Kannauj, Pratapgarhm, remained tense because of communal clashes during Durga idol immersion and...
Pulse of the matter: Manufacturing a dal crisis, short-changing both farmer and consumer -Yogesh Pawar
-DNA Wondering about the plight of the rural population facing successive droughts which has to buy pulses, South Asia Network for Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP) laments how no benefit of the price hike is reaching actual pulse farmers. While most link the current tur (pigeon pea) dal crisis with raging market prices, storage issues, hoarding and economics, a new study highlighting the making of the crisis - by South Asia Network...
More »In 15 years, Maharashtra government acquired land 4.4 times size of Greater Mumbai -Priyanka Kakodkar
-The Times of India MUMBAI: The Maharashtra government has acquired a staggering 1.92 lakh hectares of land - 4.4 times the size of Greater Mumbai - over nearly 15 years. These details have emerged from the latest data compiled by the state government and accessed by The Times of India. Information on land acquisition is rarely made available for public scrutiny. Most of the land acquired is agricultural and the bulk of...
More »Emphasis on cereals prime cause of high pulse prices -Rajeev Deshpande & Dipak Kumar Dash
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The current spike in pulse prices could have been anticipated, but India's cereal-centric food security policies emphasize rice and wheat while dis-incentivizing the production of pulses despite clear trends that show a declining preference for cereals. Even though India's dependency on imported pulses grew as imports rose from 2.7 million tonnes in 2010-11 to over four million tonnes this year, minimum support price-driven procurement and the...
More »How does India cope with rising pulse prices? By shifting to eggs -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com A pair of eggs costs less than Rs8 today whereas 100gm of tur dal costs between Rs16 and Rs20 New Delhi: The recent spurt in the prices of pulses is causing much heartburn to governments and consumers. But this is not the first time that prices of pulses have shot up; within the foodgrain basket, production and price shocks are fairly regular for pulses but rare for rice or wheat. So, how...
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