-The Hindu In the summer of 2011, production at Maruti Suzuki’s Manesar plant ground to a halt, as workers agitated to set up a union independent of the Maruti Udyog Kamdar Union that represented workers at the company’s plant at Gurgaon. The strikes and lockouts eventually dragged on till the fall, and cost the company approximately $500 million in lost production. On Wednesday, nine months after the company finally agreed to recognise...
Report cites ‘major labour abuses’ in textile sector-M Soundariya Preetha
-The Hindu Though there are improvements in employment and labour conditions on the work floor and in workers’ hostels in textile mills and garment factories in the State, “major labour abuses continue to occur,” according to the latest report by non-government watchdogs. The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) and the India Committee of the Netherlands (ICN) published a report, ‘Captured by cotton’, in May 2011 on the exploitation of Dalit...
More »Taking baby steps-Divya Trivedi
-The Hindu While government pushes for affirmative action in private industry, players differ on the methodology to be followed Even as P.L. Punia, Chairman, National Commission for Scheduled Castes said that reservations for marginalised communities in the private sphere should be mandated, industry members differed on the strategy for affirmative action. While everybody acknowledged the problems faced by marginalised communities and the need to find solutions, they did not agree on the way...
More »Natco targets drugs ripe for compulsory licensing-Viswanath Pilla
-Live Mint Natco Pharma Ltd, which has started selling a generic version of Bayer AG’s patented cancer treatment Nexavar in India at a fraction of the price charged by the German firm, plans to use the so-called compulsory licensing route to try and win the right to copy more patented drugs, said vice-chairman and chief executive officer Rajeev Nannapaneni. The Hyderabad-based company has already identified the patented drugs for which it will...
More »Bio-toilets in trains to prevent track corrosion
-PTI With the twin objectives of preventing corrosion of tracks and providing odourless toilets to passengers, railways are replacing existing ones with bio-toilets. "While some green toilets designed by DRDO are already being manufactured and fitted in coaches, we are committed to manufacture 25,00 bio-toilets in the current fiscal," said a senior Railway Ministry official. The problem of environmental degradation and corrosion of tracks due to night soil has been engaging the attention...
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