-The Indian Express The southern states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala also figure prominently in the list. The year before the Lok Sabha elections, 2013, saw communal rioting incidents in the country jumping by nearly 25 per cent, with Uttar Pradesh, which witnessed major religious clashes in Muzaffarnagar, being the worst affected with 247 incidents compared to 118 in 2012. Data from the Union home ministry (MHA) shows that states such as UP,...
How Suicide and Politics Mix in India -Sonora Jha
-The New York Times As politicians scramble for India's 815 million votes in the most expensive and closely contested general election in the nation's history, an unexpected protest is rumbling from what was once one of the country's most placid voter blocs: its farmers. The protest is inflamed by rising attention to the shocking suicide rate on India's hardscrabble farms. Since 1995, more than 290,000 farmers have killed themselves. Though that figure,...
More »Kanak-kaich bamboo cultivation helps small farmers-MJ Prabu
-The Hindu Whatever be the crop, farmers need guidance at the right time for harvesting a good yield. Right from availability of good seedlings, pest management strategies, regular visits to the plantation sites by experts and sourcing a good market for the produce are not only a farmer's tasks but also involve the experts dealing in the particular area. "The job becomes more challenging when one has to work among tribals and...
More »Onion farmers for change, grape growers whining for status quo-Amruta Byatnal
-The Hindu Dindori (Maharashtra): This constituency in Nashik district does not occupy a particularly significant spot on the election map, but it presents a neat battle of "status quo vs. change" between its elite wine-grape farmers and onion growers. While onion farmers are rooting for change, grape growers are largely status-quoist, favouring the Congress for fear that a Bharatiya Janata Party-led government will not encourage the nascent wine industry in the country. Dindori,...
More »Tamarind turns dearer this season-S Harpal Singh
-The Hindu Adilabad (Andhra Pradesh): The taste of tamarind is likely to turn more tartaric this season given its higher market price at Rs. 70 to Rs. 80 a kg despite the bumper crop. "The crop is good but the cumulative yield is not commensurate as many of the huge old trees have been felled mercilessly in rural area," Killare Namdev, a tamarind trader from Yavatmal in Maharashtra, gives out the reason...
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