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Suicide stats show wide gap between SCs and others in Gujarat, Tripura -Deeptiman Tiwary

-The Indian Express Muslims have among the lowest suicide rates in the country at 7. The suicide rate among Dalits in Gujarat and Tripura is nearly 1½ times the overall suicide rate in each state. This emerges from government data collected on suicides across the country based on caste and religion. The data, collected by NCRB in 2014 but never published, were Accessed by The Indian Express through RTI. They show the average...

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State action vital to end social exclusion, says new report

Although public goods are meant for everyone to enable living life with human dignity, certain groups are systematically deprived to Access them, says a new report from the Centre for Equity Studies -- a NGO based in Delhi. Put differently, not all sections of the society are able to Access or enjoy public goods and services on an equal footing, despite social justice being one of the key provisions of...

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A Wider Battle -Dipa Sinha

-The Indian Express The fight against malnutrition depends on more than economic growth. The data from the National Family Health Survey or NFHS-4 (although only for 13 states and 2 UTs) confirms the finding from the Rapid Survey on Children (RSoC) of 2015 that there has been a significant decline in child malnutrition in the country during the last decade. In spite of a number of initiatives having been launched to combat...

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'We will give that food to someone who is hungry'

-BBC Up to one third of the world's food is wasted before it can be eaten. That's 1.3 billion tonnes, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. At the same time up to 793 million people don't get enough nourishment to help them live a healthy life. So, what can be done to fix these two major challenges the world is facing? In India, dabbawalas are using their world-renowned...

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Why restrictions on renting agricultural land in India must go -Sanjoy Patnaik Land leasing laws are negatively impacting the people they are supposed to benefit, pulling agricultural productivity down, and increasing land degradation. Nearly one-third of India is reeling under drought, evident from reports and images of distressed farmers and parched land captured in the media. The increasing unpredictability of rainfall and prolonged hot patches has severely impacted rural farmland and, consequently, the people dependent on agriculture. Drought and resultant crop loss, in...

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