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To the hungry, god is bread by MS Swaminathan

The National Food Security Bill, 2011, designed to make access to food a legal right, is the last chance to convert Gandhiji's vision of a hunger-free India into reality. What Mahatma Gandhi said of the role of food in a human being's life in a 1946 speech at Noakhali, now in Bangladesh, remains the most powerful expression of the importance of making access to food a basic human right. Gandhiji also...

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How little can a person live on? by Utsa Patnaik

The Planning Commission's laughable estimates of the ‘poverty line' follow from a mistake in method that it made 30 years ago and has clung to ever since. The affidavit that the Planning Commission recently submitted before the Supreme Court stating that a person is to be considered ‘poor' only if his or her monthly spending is below Rs.781 (Rs.26 a day) in the rural areas and Rs.965 (Rs.32 a day) in...

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AP farmers go on 'Crop holiday' by Prashanth Chintala

The state's rice bowl is left empty An unviable minimum support price (MSP) for rice has forced farmers in Andhra Pradesh to leave their lands fallow. The movement is spreading to other states. “Farming never pays” is a familiar slogan among agriculturists across the world, and especially so in India. Nevertheless, many continue to cultivate their fields year after year, barely eking out an existence, toiling in the hope that the tide...

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High prices:India calls for improved farm productivity at G-24

-PTI   Terming high global commodity prices a "grave threat", Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee has called for developing countries to increase their investments in agriculture to improve crop productivity. "The recent commodity and food price rise and their volatility constitute a grave threat to economic growth and food security in our economies," Mukherjee said at a meeting of G-24 Finance Ministers here last evening. He took over as the new chairman of the group...

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India Inc balks at Land Acquisition Bill

-The Indian Express Unfinished car shells rusting in a deserted factory in India's West Bengal state lie testimony to flaws in a century-old land-acquisition law the government now wants to replace. * Jobs, housing, cash to landowners made mandatory * Costs, project delays to increase - Indian corporates react * Bill to push up costs by 350 pct for big plots - analysts, cos * Bill likely to be passed in December Tata Motors was forced...

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