-The Times of India The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday morning issued notices to 11 officers, contractors and politicians summoning them to Delhi headquarters of the agency for questioning in connection with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam. In Lucknow, a dozen member team of the CBI has started visitng the primary health centers and community centers to verify if the money sanctioned to the people under different...
CWG graft case: Court denies relief to Swiss firm
-IANS The Delhi High Court Wednesday refused to hear a plea filed by Swiss Timing, an accused in a corruption case linked to the 2010 Commonwealth Games, to stay possible action against it by the trial judge for not appearing in court. Justice Mukta Gupta refused to give any relief to the Switzerland-based firm and said: 'There cannot be a stay on the trial court proceedings.' Swiss Timing is an accused in a...
More »India outrage over low fine for drug trials
-BBC Authorities in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh have been criticised for letting off lightly 12 doctors who conducted drug trials on children and patients with learning disabilities. The doctors were fined 5,000 rupees ($94; £60) each for failing to inform the authorities about the tests. Activists and opposition parties said the fine was a "joke" and called for an investigation by the federal police. The trials of the drug to treat sexual...
More »Lokpal and beyond
It is quite apparent that the gulf between the government and Team Anna on the Lokpal Bill is unlikely to be bridged. Whatever amendments the government may move, the final result will be considered inferior by the man from Ralegan Siddhi and his followers. This is not a wholly unanticipated development. On Tuesday, the lines of division in Parliament were clear. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and other opposition parties have...
More »‘Lokpal Bill fails independence test' by Gargi Parsai
The National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) on Tuesday questioned the “appropriateness” of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill, 2011, in respect of the proposed watchdog's independence, empowerment, jurisdiction and accountability. “The appropriateness of the Bill could well be determined by asking questions such as whether … [the proposed Lokpal] is adequately independent of the government, whether it is adequately empowered to detect, investigate and prosecute cases of corruption, had...
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