-The Hindu Mumbai: Despite Union Minister of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation Ajay Maken's plea to the Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan for stopping the demolition of the houses of slum-dwellers, 43 houses were pulled down at the Golibar slum here on Wednesday, under the supervision of the Collector's office. The activists of the National Alliance of People's Movement (NAPM) have alleged that Shivalik Ventures, which develops the prime property of...
'2,500 Civilians Killed by Naxals in Last 5 Years'
-Outlook 2,500 civilians, a majority of them marginalized tribals, were killed by the Naxals in last five years, the Home Ministry said. Since 2007, more than 2,500 civilians were killed by the CPI(Maoist) cadres and a majority of them are tribals who are branded as police informers before being brutally tortured and killed. According to the Home Ministry, tribals and economically underprivileged sections have been the biggest victims of the protracted "people's war"...
More »Crimes against women on the rise in trains
-PTI Crimes against women in trains have been on the rise despite deployment of security personnel by the Railways, with more than 200 cases, including rape, molestation and misbehaviour, reported last year. A total 210 such cases were registered in 2012 against 127 cases in 2011. According to Railway Ministry data, while molestation cases in trains have gone up from 52 in 2010 to 72 in 2011, the number touched 119 in...
More »An opportunity missed-CP Chandrasekhar
-The Hindu “The purpose of a Budget – and the job of a Finance Minister,” P. Chidambaram declared in his speech, “is to create the economic space and find the resources to achieve the socio economic objectives.” Now that the presentation of and the spate of initial responses to the budget are behind us, it may be appropriate to ask how far the Minister went in accomplishing his self-defined task. Mr. Chidambaram...
More »Those who stand and wait-Sreelatha Menon
-The Business Standard For some people, travelling by train to their village 1,400 km away is a journey through hell. These are people who travel unreserved. Their suffering is all the more traumatic for being symbolic of the apathy of those who run the trains and the country. Saraswati Mondal, an illiterate domestic worker in Delhi, going to Murshidabad by Kalka Mail goes to New Delhi station, walks into a crowd of...
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