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Let’s Use the CAG’s Criticisms to Strengthen, not Weaken, School Midday Meals -Dipa Sinha India’s midday meal scheme (MDMS) reaches more than 11 crore children across 12 lakh government schools around the country. Based on a Supreme Court order in 2001, states introduced a cooked meal in schools – replacing the earlier system of monthly “dry rations”. Despite many achievements, the scheme tends to make headlines for the wrong reasons. A recent audit report by the CAG found a number of implementation gaps, including...

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Free, not fair -Sukumar Muralidharan

-The Hindu Business Line The mythology of free trade being a force for economic progress remains entrenched in world politics Globalisation has created a unique spectator sport, where political dignitaries periodically gather at carefully chosen venues for days of deliberation over humanity’s most consequential problems. It is a spectacle at which ‘civil society’ — as the new force in world politics is called — is granted a tent of its own, financed...

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Agenda 2016: Three things the Modi government can do for agriculture today -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express Drip irrigation, making urea in Iran, and pushing pulses in Punjab should be top policy priorities. The biggest risk to the Indian economy today isn’t the US Federal Reserve hiking interest rates further or a deepening Chinese slowdown, but rising domestic farm distress that has political implications too. The government can do many things to BRIng agriculture back on track. We focus on three. Please click here to...

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Weather babu, you can't say it 'may' rain -GS Mudur

-The Telegraph New Delhi: The national weather agency has adopted a new rulebook, tweaking figures that define rain conditions, cold and heat waves and abandoning what it has conceded were ambiguous and unhelpful terminology such as "could" and "may". A forecasting circular issued by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has altered in subtle ways the definitions of cold and heat waves (see chart), introducing uniform cut-offs for locations across the country, and...

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Data in doubt -Divya Trivedi

-Frontline The NCRB data used to justify the new law BRInging down the age of responsibility for criminal action are open to interpretation. Often the same data can be interpreted in different ways to arrive at contrary conclusions. Portions of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data have been quoted ad nauseam by the government and the media alike to justify the changes made in the juvenile justice law. Experts from the...

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