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How much will a cow cess of Re.1 on petrol generate? -Ragini Bhuyan and Tadit Kundu A cow cess of even Re.1 per litre of petrol will be enough to generate funds that will exceed the entire annual budgets of several Union ministries About two weeks ago, Subramanian Swamy, a Rajya Sabha member from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) called for a cow cess of Re1 on petrol to fund gaushalas or cow shelters across the country. Swamy made the comment towards the end of his speech...

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Unaffordable sacredness of our cattle -Himanshu Upadhyaya The cost of maintaining our 5.3 million stray cattle comes to about Rs 30,115 core per year A lot of debate that we witness in the media on the cattle question these days suffer from the disease of speculative utopian imagination of a ‘cow-nation’ and relentless abuses for those beef-eating ‘others’.   Political debates over the question of our bovine stock has mostly been heavily polarising and mindlessly simplistic, notwithstanding exceptions like veteran...

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'Volume two of Eco Survey to have downloadable data' -TCA Sharad Raghavan

-The Hindu Publication is expected to be released around July 21-22 The second volume of the Economic Survey will be released during the Delhi Economic Conclave around July 21-22, according to a senior official in the Finance Ministry, who added that the volume will also for the first time include historical data in downloadable Excel files. The first volume of the Economic Survey, released a day before the Budget was presented in Parliament,...

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India's Livestock Markets Have Historically Been Marked By Mobility and Cross-Country Transactions -Himanshu Upadhyaya Legislative action that primarily looks at cattle mobility as ‘acts of smuggling cattle out of state for slaughter’ is deeply misguided and betrays a misunderstanding of how India’s cattle have been bought and sold since the British Raj. Like many poorly drafted laws, the recently notified Livestock Markets (Regulation) Rules is so pre-occupied with its self-righteousness that it fails to realise the harm that it would cause. If the colonial era’s...

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Battle over cattle -Himanshu Upadhyaya Banning cattle slaughter, like demonetisation, may deliver political gains but will hit the rural Economy.hard More than a century ago, a team of officials from Brazil toured some villages of Kheda district, in central Gujarat. They had come to procure breeding bulls of the famous Kankreji breed, notes Bhailal Patel, a charismatic institution-builder who was also the first leader of opposition in Gujarat assembly, in his memoirs. It was of...

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