-The Hindu The journalist who first wrote the story with the ‘15,000 Gujarati pilgrims' claim says his source for the figure was Anil Baluni, the BJP's spokesperson in Haldwani in Uttarakhand. For three days running, there was no reaction from the Bharatiya Janata Party to reports that the Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, had evacuated ‘15,000 Gujaratis' from Uttarakhand in the course of a two-day visit to the hill State. But with...
Starvation, illness loom large in Garhwal, Kumaon-CK Chandramohan
-The Hindu 2,400 stranded at Badrinath, doctors warn of epidemics in Kedarnath Dehradun: Residents of dozens of rain-affected villages across Uttarakhand are starving and ill. Villages such as Pilang in Uttarkashi, Lambgodi in the Kedar Valley and those in the Yamuna Valley in Garhwal division are among the worst affected. Famished residents of Munsyari, Sosa, Sirkha, Gungi and several other villages in the Kumaon division have urged President Pranab Mukherjee to order the...
More »All’s not right after 3 years of RTE: Report
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Yet another report has criticized the government for tardy implementation of the right to education (RTE). While the three-year deadline for implementation passed in April, 11% schools are still without toilets, 20% don't have safe drinking water and 74% are without a library. The report by the organization Child Rights and You (CRY) also states that 61% schools demand proof of age, which is not...
More »The youth unemployment bill -Manish Sabharwal
-The Indian Express Why the proposed national minimum wage is the wrong answer to questions of unemployment and poverty The recent national labour conference - a trade union love fest with little real employer participation - demanded a national minimum wage. The trade union demand is a predictable positioning of narrow self-interest as national interest but the government's acceptance of their demand is unfair, delusional and economically stupid. Unfair, because it pampers a...
More »Indians spending less on food, says national survey -Vibha Varshney
-Down to Earth Total consumer expenditure on processed foods, beverages, and refreshments level has increased Indians are eating badly; and the trend is getting worse each year. Data from the 68th round of the National Sample Survey (NSS) shows that the share of food in total expenditure has reduced both in rural and urban areas. This is despite the fact that food is getting progressively more expensive. Spending more on unhealthy foods Amongst the...
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