A 14-year-old boy was allegedly thrashed with a hot pan by his employer — his own maternal uncle — in Sadar Bazaar after the boy reportedly stole Rs 15 from the roadside dosa stall where he worked. According to Sushil Kumar, his son Suvam was employed with Vikram, 20, for the last six months. ‘‘On Wednesday, Vikram reportedly forced Suvam to drink alcohol when he came to know about the...
Food security to top agenda at first NAC meeting by Smita Gupta
Food security is likely to top the resurrected National Advisory Council's (NAC) agenda when its members gather here on Thursday for their introductory meeting. They will also meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. However, sources in the NAC told The Hindu that before food security became a reality, they expect a long hard battle ahead, similar to the one NAC-I faced over the enactment of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act,...
More »The social question, who cares? by Jan Breman
Built into the economic dogma of growth first is the ingrained notion held by large segments of the nation's elite that the fabric of inequality is meant to remain unimpaired. “The Challenge of Employment in India; An Informal Economy Perspective” sums up the findings of a National Commission set up in September 2004 to review the status of the unorganised/ínformal sector in India (Volume I Main Report and volume II...
More »Modi launches nutritional food programme
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday launched a supplementary nutritional food programme aiming to reach about 40 lakh poor beneficiaries through the anganwadi network in the state. 'It is a unique movement to free children and pregnant women from the scourge of malnutrition,' Modi said. It would be undertaken under the aegis of the state government's women and child welfare department as part of the Integrated Child Development Programme. It...
More »Another reason
In the hierarchy of sins, robbing the poorest of the poor is right up there. That is what the holders of the 11.28 lakh fake ration cards in Madhya Pradesh are guilty of. By state government estimates, these duplicates constitute 16 per cent of all ration cards in the state. Since the Below Poverty Line and Antyodaya (meant for the very poorest) cards entitle holders to essential food commodities such...
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