-The Hindu Court was hearing Paytm’s petition. The Delhi High Court on Tuesday expressed displeasure at the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) failing to take action against unregistered telemarketers engaged in unsolicited commercial communications (UCC). A Bench of Chief Justice D.N. Patel and Justice Prateek Jalan asked the telecom regulator why it had not taken any action against anybody till now. “Take action against some persons, so that the remaining persons will...
‘FCRA Bill will be a death blow to relief, community support work of NGOs’
-The Indian Express NGOs are specifically rattled by the proposed ban on transfer of foreign contribution from one FCRA-registered NGO to another. As the government pushes the Foreign Contribution Regulation (Amendment) Bill in Parliament amid criticism from the Opposition, its provisions have caused a lot of discomfort among NGOs, which argue that their space will increasingly shrink if it becomes law. NGOs are specifically rattled by the proposed ban on transfer of foreign...
More »It’s a no green signal from the farm world -Himanshu
-The Hindu There is good reason why opposition to the agriculture Bills may be a reflection of the genuine concerns of farmers In a virtual rally, the Prime Minister blamed the Opposition pARTies for misleading farmers about the three Bills on agriculture, in Parliament. While the Opposition may have taken up the cudgels recently, the fact is that farmers have been protesting against the Bills ever since it was promulgated as ordinances...
More »Mohali: Villagers protest against illegal sand mining, allege inaction by administration
-The Indian Express Residents of Abhipur village allege that despite bringing the issue to the notice of the administration, no action has been taken against the illegal miners. Mohali: Residents of Abhipur village continue to hold protest against illegal sand mining going on in the area. They allege that despite bringing the issue to the notice of the administration, no action has been taken against the illegal miners. Bhag Singh, an Abhipur resident, said...
More »Delhi journalist arrested under the Official Secrets Act: What is this anti-spying law?
-The Indian Express Officials Secrets Act has its roots in the British colonial era. This was brought in with the main objective of muzzling the voice of a large number of newspapers that had come up in several languages, and were opposing the Raj’s policies The Delhi police has arrested a strategic affairs analyst and two others – a 30- year-old Chinese woman and her “Nepalese accomplice” – under the Official Secrets...
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