-The Indian Express Sudhir Chaudhary, the editor and business head of Zee News who was granted bail Monday on the charge of trying to extort money from Jindal Steel and Power Ltd, has filed a defamation case against the Broadcast Editors’ Association. A self-regulatory body comprising editors of several TV news channels, the BEA had set up a fact-finding committee to look into JSPL’s allegations against Chaudhary and his colleagues. Chaudhary was...
India could face crippling heat waves -N Gopal Raj
-The Hindu THE SUNDAY STORY An analysis of the output from 18 different global climate models indicates that India’s average annual surface air temperature could go up by between four degrees Celsius and seven degrees Celsius by the end of this century. The warning signs are already out there. Global air and ocean temperatures have risen in response to human-driven emissions, particularly of carbon dioxide. Oceans have become more acidic and the...
More »Doha dithers on equity -Meena Menon
-The Hindu THE SUNDAY STORY The scientific evidence points to a warming world. That would affect human health and agriculture, but at the Climate Change Conference in Doha, many rich countries baulked at strong action. India and China lead the developing world in calling for more remedial funding. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) times the release of its provisional annual statement with the U.N. climate negotiations. This year, it dwelt on the...
More »Mines of concern -S Dorairaj
-Frontline Farmers protest against the Central clearance for coal bed methane exploration in Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu, as they fear it will devastate agriculture in Tiruvarur and Thanjavur districts. THE woes of the delta farmers of Tamil Nadu are far from over. While the Cauvery tangle continues unresolved, they fear the proposed multi-crore project for commercial exploration and exploitation of coal bed methane (CBM) in the Mannargudi block of Tiruvarur district will prove...
More »Millers’ market-Lyla BavaDam
-Frontline Maharashtra’s sugarcane farmers are a worried lot as the State government backs out from the sugar pricing process. Sangli & Kolhapur: KOLHAPUR and Sangli districts in Maharashtra form the heartland of Indian sugar industry. This time of year is generally the busiest, with itinerant labourers cutting sugarcane and loading it on to tractors that roar off to the more than 20 sugar factories in the two districts. In November and December,...
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