Taking note of the report that 86 per cent of the oral cancer in India was caused by tobacco products, the Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the plea of various gutka, pan masala and chewing tobacco manufacturing companies for postponement of the December 7, 2010 order banning the use of plastic as packaging material for their products from March 1 this year. A Bench of Justices G.S. Singhvi and A.K. Ganguly...
Private schools move HC, seek stay on RTE implementation by Madhuri Kumar
The state government and private school administrations in the state are at loggerheads with the government reiterating its stand to implement the Right to Education (RTE) Act 2010 strictly in Bihar. As many as 15 schools belonging to the Association of Heads of Christian Schools (AHCS) which includes Don Bosco Academy, St Karen's High Schools, St Xavier's School, Christ Church School, St Dominique Savio, Notre Dame Academy, St Joseph's Convent,...
More »Noted jurists express dismay at Prime Minister’s NREGA statement
Say there is no way the workers can be paid less than the minimum wages Open Statement on Prime Minister’s Assertion that the NREGA Wage Rate is ‘Delinked’ from the Minimum Wages Act We the undersigned are shocked at the Prime Minister’s statement in a letter to the Chairperson of the National Advisory Council that ‘statutorily the wage rate under NREGA is delinked and independent of the provisions of the Minimum...
More »Growth and other concerns by Amartya Sen
I was awakened early one morning recently by someone who said he was enormously enjoying my on-going debate on economic growth in India. I was very pleased that I had given someone some joy, but I also wondered what on earth he could be talking about, since I have not been involved in any such debate. As it happens, I am getting a steady stream of telephone calls and electronic...
More »Jobless growth again?
While the recent sporadic performance of the Indian manufacturing sector has justifiably evoked both concern and comment, another well-documented facet has not received commensurate attention. Organised sector manufacturing in India turned capital intensive in the 1990s and the trend continues inexorably. Research by Business Standard indicates that India Inc added over Rs 13 trillion in fixed assets over the past decade, with over 80 per cent of this accretion since...
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