The Centre was not releasing Rs 1,700 crore in NREGA funds to West Bengal, Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee claimed today. "Despite placing full account for expenditure under the NREGA scheme in the state, the central government is yet to give Rs 1,700 crore," Bhattacharjee told a Panchayat workers' rally here. "They are giving Rs 100 crore or Rs 150 crore in phases, but have withheld the main amount," he said. Ministers of state...
Buddha, Sisir spar over MNREGS fund report
Union Minister of State for Rural Development on Tuesday contested Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee’s claim that the state government is maintaining the requisite books of accounts of MNREG schemes. When asked about the CM’s claim, Union Minister Sisir Adhikari said the state has failed to submit the utilisation certificates for the past two months. The Left Front government has not followed the rules and procedures for submitting the accounts of the...
More »Their NREGA wages gone, over 2,000 Dahod farmers give a boycott call by Anupam Chakravartty
Even as the state government mulls over the compulsory voting bill, farmers in the tribal Dahod district have decided to boycott the local elections over non-payment of wages under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). There are about 2,223 such farmers in Fatehpura taluka of Dahod district bordering Rajasthan, who have decided to abstain from voting. Incidentally, police investigation continues in the case in which sarpanchs are alleged to have...
More »Joshi: Punjab denying its poor their due by Amrita Chaudhry
Flaying the Punjab government for its “poor performance in the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) and other welfare schemes, Union Minister for Rural Development and Panchayats P C Joshi said: “By doing so, the Punjab government is denying its poor their due.” In Ludhiana to preside over a meeting of the district-level vigilance and monitoring committee, Joshi said: “Punjab fares even lower than my district, Bhilwara,...
More »NAC members blast execution of NREGA, call it 'anti-labour'
Members of the National Advisory Council (NAC) Aruna Roy and Jean Dreze have accused the UPA government of being “increasingly anti-labour” in their assessement of the national rural employment guarantee programme, on its fifth anniversary. With support from several activists associated with the government’s flagship social sector scheme, they have alleged that the “contractor mafia”is increasingly dominating in the states, minimising the potential to create remunerative employment through the programme. According to...
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