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The enigma of Indian engineering-James Trevelyan

A narrow education is making engineers oblivious to the importance of human interaction and raising the cost of even simple tasks My time in South Asia has rewarded me with an enigma: why is engineering so expensive here? Why is it often many times more expensive than in Australia, my home? My search for answers led me to shanty towns on the fringes of mega-cities. We compared an award winning Indian factory...

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Jairam to CMs: include forest tribals in BPL list within 3 months

-The Hindu Almost a year after Saranda was wrested out of Maoist control by security forces, large numbers of tribal families living in the dense forests of the Jharkhand district have found themselves left out in the cold when it comes to government assistance. “We discovered that just about 3,000 of the 7,000-odd forest dwelling tribal families in Saranda are on the BPL [below Poverty line] list,” says Rural Development Minister Jairam...

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Money for food will not help: Activists

-The Deccan Herald Proposals to replace the public distribution system with direct cash transfer into individual accounts under the proposed Food Security Bill do not have any taker, claim social activists. These activists are lobbying against cash transfers. But others believe this is better than  distributing foodgrain among the poor. According to controversial proposal, the public distribution system (PDS) which provides subsidised foodgrain will be replaced with direct cash subsidies. A fixed amount will...

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Carlos Sere, Chief Development Strategist at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) interviewed by UN News Centre

-The United Nations World leaders, along with thousands of participants from governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other groups will come together from 20-22 June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to take part in the UN Sustainable Development Conference (Rio+20). In our Seven Issues, Seven Experts series UN officials tell us more about the key issues that will be discussed during the conference and how we can contribute to make...

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Timothy Wirth, member of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s High-Level Group on Sustainable Energy for All and the UN Foundation’s President interviewed by UN News Centre

-The United Nations World leaders, along with thousands of participants from governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and other groups will come together from 20-22 June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to take part in the UN Sustainable Development Conference (Rio+20).   The Conference aims to shape how countries and their citizens can reduce Poverty, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection to achieve long-term growth. Seven key areas have been identified by the...

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