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Big concerns over small loans by Bindu Ananth and Nachiket Mor

Microfinance is an effective tool for financial inclusion. Here are some elements of the recently embattled sector The recent controversy surrounding the microfinance sector has entirely eclipsed the fact that it is the first effort in India to have delivered financial services to remote corners of the country in a self-sustaining manner. The stakes are high for India’s poor, and we have to pave the way for orderly growth in the...

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Small holdings threat to farm sector growth by Arvind Singh Bisht

The pattern of land distribution has rendered rural landscape of UP disfavourable for farming. The precursor for this is the fragmentation of cultivable land into a large number of `small landholdings'. The process set under the demographic pressure, has caused marginalisation of a vast majority of farmers and posed a severe challenge to the prospects of rural economy and the growth of agriculture in future. Going by the official figure, UP...

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In India, greed creeps into microlending, critics say by Rama Lakshmi

The microcredit revolution has been celebrated for helping poor women in developing countries start small businesses. By borrowing money for purchases such as a buffalo or sewing machine, the women were able to help lift their families out of poverty. But critics say the microcredit model has been perverted by commercial greed in India, with reports of abusive collection methods and sky-high interest rates. "What began as a simple, innovative model...

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For whom the bell tolls by Moushumi Basu

It is imperative that the committee constituted to look into charges of corruption in the Commonwealth Games should also include violations of labour laws within its purview. One of the more blatant and visible scams of the recently concluded Commonwealth Games relates to how the thousands of workers who worked on the games construction sites were denied minimum wages, safety equipment, housing and other benefits constitutionally due to them. In an interview...

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Rajasthan to start bajra procurement from Nov 1

On the approval and direction of Union Agriculture Ministry to contain stress sale by farmers, the Rajasthan Government will start procurement of fresh bajra produce at Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Rs 880 per quintal in 16 out of 33 districts from November one. Rajfed would buy bajra at 44 procurement centres, while Food Corporation of India at 25 centres, the Food and Civil Supply Minister Babulal Nagar told in a...

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