Congress President Sonia Gandhi's official residence 10, Janpath has consumed electricity worth more than Rs. 7 lakh in the last three years, a reply to an RTI has revealed. Out of the total bill of Rs. 7.47 lakh, the Lok Sabha Secretariat paid Rs. 7.38 lakh while Gandhi herself paid about Rs. 9000. As per the RTI reply, received from the Lok Sabha Secretariat, 10 Janpath consumed a little over two lakh...
Call of the river by Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta
In 25 years, the Narmada Bachao Andolan has introduced an alternative development discourse in India. ON the full moon night in October, hundreds of people from all over India gathered at Bhilgaon, one of the many tribal villages in Nandurbar district of Maharashtra, in the foothills of the Satpura mountain range and on the banks of the river Narmada. The place resounded with jingles, revolutionary folk songs and strains of...
More »A Deadly Misdiagnosis by Michael Specter
Every afternoon at about four, a slight woman named Runi slips out of the cramped, airless room that she shares with her husband and their sixteen children. She skirts the drainage ditch in front of the building, then walks toward the pile of hardened dung cakes that people in this slum on the edge of the northeastern Indian city of Patna use for fuel. Dressed in a bright-yellow sari shot...
More »Climate funding may need taxes on flight tickets and forex deals, says U.N. report
Taxes on international flights, shipping and financial transactions, as well as a global carbon price of $20 to $25 may be key to annually Mobilising $100 billion in climate funding by 2020, according to the United Nations high-level advisory group on climate change financing, which submitted its report in New York on Friday. At the U.N. climate summit held in Copenhagen last year, developed countries committed to a goal of jointly...
More »UIAI to provide 60 crore UID cards in four years
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIAI) is targeting to provide 60 crore Unique Identificationcards during the next four years. Delivering Pradyumna Bal Memorial lecture here on Sunday evening, UIAI chairperson Nandan Nilekani said the authority issued first sets of UID cards number 20,000 to 42,000 since September this year. The project, however, was facing challenge of inclusion of deprived and effective implementation, Mr. Nilekani said. Large numbers of Indians do not...
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