-The Hindu On Tuesday, India signed a deal for a $1-billion loan from the World Bank to clean up the Ganga. Just a day earlier, in a tragic coincidence, a 34-year old swami died after a four month-long hunger strike, protesting the mining mafia illegally quarrying in the river. Besieged with questions about Swami Nigamanand's death at the official function to sign the World Bank deal, Union Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh blamed...
Indian anti-graft hunger strike activist dies
-BBC An Indian activist who went on a hunger strike in February to protest against illegal mining has died in a hospital in northern Uttarakhand state. Swami Nigamanand, 36, slipped into a coma in May, days after being hospitalised. Officials said the government had banned mining in the Kumbh region as demanded by the activist. But federal Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has blamed the state government for "ignoring" the activist's pleas. A founder-member of...
More »'Let PM be probed by independent agency' by Arvind Kejriwal
Dr Manmohan Singh is one of the most honest Prime Ministers that the country has had. It is ironical that his own government should seek to take the Prime Minister out of the purview of Lokpal's investigations. As of today, the Prime Minister is covered under the Prevention of Corruption Act. Under that law, any allegation of Corruption against a Prime Minister can be investigated. No exception has been made...
More »State of civil society by Ashutosh Varshney
Civil society” has dominated popular discussion for the last few months. It may be hard to recall how rare the use of the term was only some years back. In 2002, when I published a book analysing the role of civil society in preventing, dampening or inciting communal riots, I was asked in a television interview whether I was overstating the power of civil society vis-à-vis the state. And in...
More »Why did 36-year-old Nigamanand have to die? by Rituparna Chatterjee
In his lifetime, Nigamanand, an ascetic fighting a lonely battle against quarrying activities in Uttarakhand, tried to draw the attention of the national media to an environmental disaster waiting to happen in the state. In his death, the 36-year-old Sadhu, who went into a coma and died on Wednesday following his four-month-long fast in the same hospital at Dehra Dun where Ramdev was admitted, has forced civil society, politicians and the...
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