-The Hindu Only Chandrababu Naidu and Shivraj Singh Chauhan will remain members Bihar’s Nitish Kumar, Tripura’s Manik Sarkar and Puducherry’s V. Narayanasamy have refused the Narendra Modi government’s invitation to join a sub-committee of Chief Ministers on digitisation and cashless transactions. The panel is tasked with suggesting possible ways to ease problems in the wake of the Centre’s demonetisation decision, sources in the Janata Dal (United), the CPI(M) and the Congress confirmed. The panel...
Cauliflower sells for Rs one a kilo in one Bihar market as demonetisation depresses demand -M Rajshekhar
-Scroll.in Buyers are cutting back on consumption, traders are losing margins, and farmers are paying their workers in kind. At first glance, it looks like any other day at the mandi in Bettiah. Trucks stand next to the concrete arch that Leads into the fruit and vegetable market in this small town in northern Bihar. Inside the mandi samiti, as the precinct is called, hawkers sit with baskets bursting with vegetables. The shops...
More »Route all wages via bank accounts: Govt. -Vikas Dhoot
-The Hindu Industry has expressed concern over the directive New Delhi: The Centre has asked all employers and contractors to ensure that wages are paid to all employees, including casual and contract workers, through cheques or electronic transfers into a bank account. The Chief Labour Commissioner, under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, has also asked firms to get bank accounts opened for all those workers who do not have one already, and...
More »Did wild seeds Lead to child deaths in Malkangiri? A new report provokes debate -Priyanka Vora
-Scroll.in Health activists say the government is using the report to divert attention from its failures. Ninety seven children have died in the district hospital of Malkangiri in southern Odisha since September. Based on the clinical symptoms of high fever and seizures, doctors suspected the children had died of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome, or brain inflammation, caused by the Japanese Encephalitis virus. Acute Encephalitis Syndrome is a group of conditions that affect the brain...
More »Dry ATMs dispensing more disappointment than cash
-The Economic Times Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants India to go cashless. And it seems that automated teller machines, or ATMs, have been taking the Lead ever since the demonetisation drive began. They are absolutely what PM wants the economy to be — cashless. The result: people's frustration is building up because ATMs are either getting emptied faster than they are refilled, or they are just not working. ET reports from commercial hubs...
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