Nahrani, a 38-year-old in Lalitpur, a village 30km from Jhansi, has an all-too-familiar tale to tell: a recently deceased husband; the lack of a ration card which promises access to free or inexpensive food; and a village without water, power, schools or health centres. Not one child from the 50-odd families in this village goes to school. The menfolk are perennially drifting, looking for jobs. And no one has heard...
Seven sisters' demand for separate time zone gains momentum by Sanghamitra Baruah
For years, they have been waking up early and starting late. But India's northeast, which sees sunrise almost two hours before Mumbai, has decided it's time to set the clock right. The region's demand for a separate time zone has never been more vociferous April is usually the cruelest month for India's northeastern states. Cyclonic storms lash the region with vengeance and rip apart homes and hopes. But in all...
More »Tribal Art-Cultural Heritage Of Jharkhand – In Danger Of Annihilation? by P Vijay Raghavan
Tradition is hard to follow in the current jet age. The struggle to survive combined with the hectic demands of the modern day living are fast leaving behind the traditional cultural values which have been treasured by our ancestors. The exception to an extent was the rural Jharkhand. Even amidst the electronic blitzkrieg and cacophonic sounds emerging even from mobile phones the traditional music during various local festivals is still...
More »Poverty of numbers
The cynics have a hierarchy on facts — lies, damned lies and statistics! But, modern economies live on numbers and economists love numbers. So, one must be deferential towards statisticians and statistics. Even so, India’s poverty numbers and their repeated re-engineering test one’s patience. It is possible to IMAgine that there would be as many estIMAtes of poverty in India as there are estIMAtes of it. So, one should not...
More »India's first open jail for women by Prachi Pinglay
Yerawada prison is a place of contrasts. In one part of the 17-acre complex near the city of Pune in the Indian state of Maharashtra, 300 incarcerated women barely see the light of day and live in cramped, unhygienic conditions. But another part of the prison is currently undergoing a makeover. Here, women will soon be allowed to roam the premises and farmland in relative freedom. This will be India's first...
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