-The Indian Express Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, on Tuesday, directed the government officials to circulate the instructions immediately. Shimla: In an innovative way to fight caste discrimination in schools, Himachal Pradesh government has decided to serve mid-day meals as per the roll number of students. Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Tuesday directed the government officials to circulate the instructions immediately and said if anyone was found violating the instructions, action in accordance with...
Where have all the women gone? -Charan Singh
-The Hindu Business Line The government must open up conventional and unconventional avenues for women to find their way into the workforce Officials in the finance ministry are busy with budgetary consultations. At the outset, it needs to be recognised that the Union Budget is more than a mere accounting exercise as it lays out the vision of the government and provides a strategy to implement it during the course of that year. In...
More »Dalit Suicides: Socio-historical facts and remedial and corrective measures -PS Krishnan
-The Indian Express Clearly, these suicides are the outcome of Indian Caste System-with-“Untouchability”, still omnipresent and omnipotent, and not a thing of the past, confined only to some remote areas. The significance of what led to Rohith Vemula and many other students belonging to Dalits, Adivasis, and also Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEdBCs) to end their life can be understood on the background of socio-historical facts. Clearly, these suicides are the...
More »The courage to teach -Pankaja Srinivasan
-The Hindu Giving up corporate jobs and fat salaries, an increasing number of young men and women are committing their lives to providing education to India’s poorest “I had career goals, now I set myself happiness goals. Giving and getting happiness in return,” says Pracheta Sharma, and somehow that does not sound one bit corny. Sharma, along with two other friends Mainak Roy and Rahul Bhanot, is working on a project...
More »Discrimination on the campus -Sukhadeo Thorat
-The Hindu Even as the student population has become increasingly diverse, the high incidence of suicide among Dalit students points to continuing discrimination, exclusion and humiliation. There is a need to apply our minds in a calm manner to address the problems that Dalit students face in institutions of higher education and find a more durable solution, now that the University of Hyderabad has revoked the suspension of students in the context...
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