-The Hindu Three of them are in Tamil Nadu and one each in Madhya Pradesh and Mizoram India has added five more Ramsar sites, or wetlands that are of international importance, bringing the number of such sites to 54, Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav tweeted on Tuesday. “Delighted to inform that 5 more Indian wetlands have got Ramsar recognition as wetlands of international importance,” Mr. Yadav tweeted. These are the Karikili Bird Sanctuary, Pallikaranai Marsh...
Adding digital layers of indignity -Rajendran Narayanan
-The Hindu Dehumanisation is the likely outcome when humane aspects of governance get outsourced to technologies The right to live with dignity is a constitutional imperative. However, it rarely manifests in discussions surrounding digital initiatives in governance. Centralised data dashboards — valuable as they are — have become the go-to mode for assessing policies, relegating principles such as human dignity and hardships in accessing rights to its blind spots. Often when technological...
More »The case of the powerful, powerless sarkari officer -Yamini Aiyar
-Deccan Herald My colleague and I were in a District Education Office in Bihar. It had all the typical trappings of power. The officer we were meeting arrived with a litany of staff carrying his papers (and lunch box). In the short walk to his chamber, he barked orders to his staff, and as he sat on his chair and removed his Ray-Ban glasses, he commanded waiting visitors (mostly local residents...
More »Land banks in Jharkhand may become a recipe for conflicts -Sushmita
-India.Mongabay.com * The allocation of lands for new commercial coal mines is likely to renew issues related to the creation of land banks in Jharkhand. * Common lands that people use have been transferred to land banks over the years, and physical surveys to record actual rights aren’t complete yet. * Lack of effective implementation of the Forest Rights Act 2006 on forest land (also part of land banks) has been a major...
More »Citizens dying of hunger, says Supreme Court -R Balaji
-The Telegraph SC asks Centre and States to reach out to farmers and migrants who form the country’s backbone The Supreme Court on Thursday said no person should die of hunger “but that is happening, citizens are dying of hunger,” asking the Centre and the States to reach out to farmers and migrants who form the country’s backbone. “In a welfare society, in our country, two persons are most important — farmers and...
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